Heather Williams

Heather Williams

I started voice lessons with Ulla in 2016; about a year later, I started coming to „Singen mit Leib und Seele“ on the first Tuesday of every month. I’d been improvising in my head all my life, but it never even occurred to me that I could improvise out loud with other people. I would never have had the self-belief or confidence in my creative impulses. It wasn’t easy, at first, to overcome my inhibitions, trust my impulses, and allow my voice true freedom of expression; without Ulla I doubt I would have ever done so. Ulla is a patient, encouraging teacher and her studio is a judgment-free zone. With time, these workshops have taught me to feel both my voice and my emotions in my body, unfiltered by judgment or self-doubt. As a group, we have evolved to a true ensemble, finding joy together in making „real-time music“ every month. I am immensely grateful to Ulla for bringing us together and creating this safe space to explore creativity and music-making beyond the traditional boundaries of harmony and text.
